Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Inspiration for a craft day
I've come to realize that I'm only into blogging when things are going along in the neutral range of my life.  When things are going not so good I revert to journalling, and when things are going good I'm off enjoying life.
The past couple of months have gone from not so good to awesome and finally now just settling into neutral I'm back to blogging.  For now ;)

I've just had 4 weeks off work, and I have a another week and a half off before starting back again.  As some of you will remember I was going to be off in the Bahamas doing my Advanced Yoga Teachers training right now...but life got in the way and I had to stay in Prince Rupert.  I was bummed at first, but now I can see the perfection in it.  Being here and getting regrounded and recentered is what I truly needed.

sewing up some love

You really get to find out who you are when you have this much free time to spend at/near your home and you're not worried about money.  Everyday I wake up and decide what I feel like doing for the day - I have no responsibilities.  Everyday is like a blank canvas and I get to create something new and amazing everyday.

When I first knew I'd be staying in town I started making checklists of all the stuff I had to get done now that I finally had a big chunk of time off.  You know, all the stuff that we put off because we don't have enough time?  Then I realized that all that was really doing was creating stress and setting my self to feel guilty for not getting everything done.  So I gave up the planning and decided to go with the flow.  Ahhh, that felt good!

hiked into this secret cedar sauna
So what have I been doing?  Skiing - lots of telemark skiing.  I built a bed in the back of my truck so I can stay up on the mountain and I have a pass to the pool in Terrace so I can shower up, and soak and steam away any aches and pains from the day.  I get to be a ski bum at my home hill!

I've also been hiking and running with the dogs, going to lots of classes: Hatha yoga, Niijonda yoga, cardio kickboxing.  I took a Marine First Aid course. I started Steps to Leadership again as an auditor, so I've been going to that and spending lots of time with my new "buddy". And just enjoying the comfort of my lovely little house, relaxing, watching movies,  reading/researching/studying, tea drinking, cooking, guitar/fiddle playing and visiting with friends.

my bed in the back of my pick-up truck

Now I feel recharged and balanced. I have a better sense of who I am, who my friends are and what I want out of life.  I recommend a staycation to anyone!  I'm surprised though by how many people have said to me "ugh, I'd be so bored after a week"  Really?  Not me, I'm so inspired and a bit sad my time is going by to fast!

What would you do on your 5 week staycation?

xo Bhargavi

Friday, January 7, 2011

New Years

New Years 2011 - what a blast!  I got off of a 12hr night shift at 7am on Dec 31, busted home to sleep for a couple hours before getting up to pack and meet friends at 11am.  A small group of us chartered a helicopter to take us on a 20min tour around Work Channel, Quottoon Inlet and up to the cabin on Mt Blaine.  It was a beauty day and the flight and sights were amazing.  I've done a lot of hiking in the areas we flew over so it was awesome to see the area from the air.

We landed on the mountain around noon and snowshoed all the gear, food, booze over to the cabin and started up with our first cocktail right away. We snacked on fried cranberry moose sausage, cheddar shipped from Holland and cinnamon goat cheese in the afternoon and made homemade pizzas for dinner.  We were right smashed by 6pm so we cranked the music up and danced our way all the way until the New Year, if we weren't moving around we probably wouldn't have made it...haha.  Super fun cabin dance party though, we had it all going on from full on 5 minute air guitar solos to romantic slow dances.

Next day we all felt good, just a tad tired - especially me, having not slept the night before.  We had smoked salmon eggs bennies for breaky,  lobster and salmon for lunch, smoked white spring salmon for dinner.  Mostly just hung out, read, napped and visited with some people that hiked up for the afternoon.  

We spent that night in the cabin as well, had another amazing breakfast the next morning before packing up and heading down.  

Good people, good tunes, good food.  
Happy New Year all  xx B

The view from the cabin window