Friday, October 1, 2010

Busy Bee

The past week and a bit has blown right by! wawawowza! 

I worked 6 12hr dayshifts in a row, volunteered 2 of those nights at hockey games, went out for some night training on the rescue boat 4 of those nights and each night we were out until about midnight, and last night I went to my Steps to Leadership class for 3.5hrs.  Whew!  Thank goodness I have a nice restorative vacation coming up!  It's fun to be busy for a bit, but I was so grateful for a night shift tonight so I could sleep in, mow my lawn, clean my house and run some errands in town yesterday. 

The good thing about all this busy-ness is that I haven't had any time to spend money!  In 6 days I've spent $16.  That equals $104 of savings into the ski fund!!  Only have to save another $595 bucks and those sticks are mine!! That's only 30 days of not spending any money...totally doable.  Keepin' the dream alive!!!!

I've been planning all sorts of fun stuff for Montreal tonight, and I'm getting so excited.  I leave tomorrow morning, right after my last night shift.  Sunday is my first day there and I think I'm going to rent a bike and tour the city, head to the Sivananda Centre for drop-in yoga and Satsang, and then I'm going to check out some live music.  It's the last day of POP! a 4 day International Music Festival, tonnes of amazing bands playing at venues all over the city.  I bought tickets to see Film School, Depreciation Guild, and Receivers at Casa del Popolo.  Should be a good day :)

Stay tuned for lots of Montreal updates and have a smashing day! Shanti B