Sunday, September 26, 2010

Reality Check

Ok, so getting new skis this season is so not going to happen.  I just did a HUGE budget for the next 3.5 months because I was (finally) starting to worry about having enough money for all the upcoming fun and goodness: Montreal, RHIOT in Bamfield, Christmas with my family in Kamloops, and my trip to the Bahamas for the Advanced Yoga Teachers Training Course.  All I can say is that I'm glad I had a good hard look at this now and didn't wait even 1 more day. 

For the last 10 days I've been on a $20/day budget and I'm going to have to continue with that until the ATTC starts in January.  The $20/day doesn't include my mortgage or my bills and might sound like a lot for one day, but it takes $60 to fill up my truck, $40 to buy a bag of dog food, not to mention how much I can spend on a sushi date with the girls!  Haha, my lifestyle is definately going to change,  and I think it's a really good thing.

My new super tight budget fits in nicely with my need to purge/cleanse right now.   I feel the need to give away or reconstruct the clothes I don't wear, sort through all my outdoor gear, eat all the food in my cupboards and fridge, use all the toiletries that I've acculated over the years...simplify and purify.  I want less clutter and to be surrounded by only what I need.  My senses are overwhelmed at home, I have way too much of everything. I need to start using and being grateful for all that I do have instead of always chasing the bigger and better.

I'm going to use my new budget as the jumping off point for simplifying my life - ride my bikes more, walk more, cook more, commit to my yoga practice, pull out the sewing machine, get back into soapmaking...appreciate all the little things that make my life real juicy and sweet!  I'll be turning 30 in just a few weeks, so it's such a good time to take stock and set some good intentions for the upcoming year and decade!  Another one of those intentions will be to ski hard all season on the trusty ol' Jils and have my heart overflowing with gratitude at every turn :)

Om Shantih Bhargavi