Wednesday, September 15, 2010

inherent power contained in sound

Everything in the universe vibrates on a specific frequency.  The same is true for the various Sanskrit Mantras.  A Mantra is mystical energy incased in sound constructed from the 50 letters of the language of the Gods: Sanskrit.  Each letter of the Sanskrit language vibrates on the same frequency as the nadis, or energy channels, within our subtle bodies.

The sacred syllables used in meditation by spiritual aspirants are usually the Sanskrit names of the Absolute.  By repeating the syllables with  intense devotion, the form of the Mantra's deity will be evoked.  For example mediation on OM Namah Sivaya produces the form of Siva, the destroyer of obstacles and OM Namo Narayanaya produces that of Vishnu, the preserver. 

"Mantra initiation is the spark that ignites the dormant spriritual energy residing in every human heart."        -Swami Vishnudevananda

In May I was initiated into a Mantra by Swami Swaroopananda in a special ceremony at the Sivananda Ashram.  Before the ceremony I chose my Mantra based on the aspect of the Divine that resonates with me the most - the vibrations of the Mantra and the disciples mind must be mutally compatible.  I chose the goddess Lakshmi the Hindu Goddess of wealth, prosperity  (both material and spiritual), light, wisdom, fortune, fertility, generosity and courage.

At the ceremony the guru arouses the Mantra's shakti, or power, in his consciousness and transmits it, along with his own energy, to the disciple.  If the disciple is receptive, they receive the radiant mass of energy in their own heart and is immeasurably reinforced and strengthened.  Guru, Mantra and disciple are bound together in Divine Power made manifest in consciousness.

If you're feeling inspired chant OM Namo Narayanaya for World Peace!
Love and Light - B