Saturday, September 11, 2010

Peach Fuzz

Back at 'er in Rupert!  I meant to keep my blog up while I was away but I'm terrible at staying connected - next trip I will try harder (and that's in less than 3 weeks, so we won't have to wait long to see how it goes!)

The past 2 weeks were spent driving throughout beautiful British Columbia with my 2 dogs and sleeping in the back of my truck, visiting my momma, and spending time with my best bud in San Francisco for the long weekend. 

Highlights of the trip included discovering a new found love for golf and golfing with a crazy awesome 70 yr old woman named Vivian who rocks around in a souped camper van, discovering that my mom and I are starting to develop alot of the same interests, enjoying an awesome dinner theatre at Teatro Zinzanni in San Fran (a must see if you go!), the Saturday morning Farmer's Market at the Ferry Terminal, a great night at the spa, strolling through an outdoor craft fair, jumping on a bungee trampoline (you get strapped into a harness so you can do flips and go extra high - mega fun) and finally, reconnecting with the boy I've been smitten with all year on the last leg of my journey :)

But unfornately it wasn't all super fun times, some lowlights included losing my camera on the ferry on the way to Victoria (I got it back in the end, but didn't have it for Frisco), my poor friends Grandad passed away just before we left for our trip so that kind of over-shadowed the whole adventure, my flight home was delayed and I got stuck in Calgary for 4 hours, and I caught my friends cold. Then on my way home I lost my keys just before getting off the ferry - all the vehicles ahead of me had their vehicles running and the first cars were unloading from my lane when I finally remembered I had a spare with me! (I found my other set later in a box of dogfood in the back of the truck, must've fallen out when I was playing with the dogs)  and finally, I got lost driving in Vancouver for 2hrs because I missed the exit leaving Tsawwassen and somehow ended up in downtown New West, I just kept getting more and more lost. Thank goodness for GPS on the Iphone!! 

Oh well - it's all the ups and down that make you remember the adventure!  Countdown's on until the next one - 3 weeks until Montreal.  6 days to explore Montreal and Quebec City and 17 days at the Sivananda Yoga Camp for Navaratri, my 30th birthday and a weekend juice cleanse.  Can't wait :)

Om Shantih