Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Falling from Heaven

Had a great day on Friday - got up nice and early and took the T-dogs for a bike ride along the waterfront before meeting up with some friends for a paddle.  We kayaked to The Man Who fell from Heaven in Venn Passage and then over to Digby Island to explore the old Doctor's house.  After kayaking I met up with another friend and we took our dogs for a 2hr walk around Morse Creek Pond, then it was home for quick shower before meeting even more friends for an awesome dinner at Prince Rupert's best restaurant, Cow Bay Cafe.  From there we kept the good times rolling... the Crest (where I managed to avoid dessert!), Lush for more drinks, the Belmont for dancing and finally Zorba's for post-bar mingling and snacking. 

I also managed to avoid the post-bar snacking! Yay!  However, I have to admit that that was unintentional.  I did have a bite of a veggie samosa, but I ended up wearing the rest of it when I tried to break up a fight between 2 girls.  I also managed to have my wallet and Iphone stolen during that whole shamozzle which was obviously a big upset for the rest of the weekend, I got so down and out about it.  Still managed to get out for a day of fishing on the bar on Saturday and lots of bike rides with the dogs though AND I got both my wallet and Iphone back from the police late Sunday night with everything still in it!  So lucky - thank you universe!

I have been on a serious losing streak lately!  I've been losing everything, it's been crazy.  I've lost my keys numerous times, lost two cameras - only got one back, lost my wallet & my phone, lost a pair of sunglasses today (didn't get those back either, but that was just because I didn't go back and look for them - lost them biking).  I've been so lucky to get mostly everything back, but I wonder what kind of a message this is for me.  If the world outside of me is me, where am I lost?

The Man Who Fell From Heaven
The Story goes...

A young man was exiled from the village of Metlakatla for a forgotten transgression.
Days later he returned to the village, mad with hunger and raved that he had
journeyed to the sky and observed many wonders and feats of magic.
He lamented that he could have remained forever but somehow fell and
plunged from the above back to the village.

The elders, while amused by the audacity of the young man's tale, were about to cast him
 out again when he offered, unexpectedly, proof of his unlikely exploits.

He escorted the bemused villagers to Robeson Point and there showed them
 the crater his body had made when he struck the shore.

He was not only allowed to return to the village but was given a position of honour as shaman.

xo B