Sunday, November 14, 2010

RHIOT school in Bamfield

CLEAR! zezeZIT! haha, that's the sound of the heart shocker thingy's bringing this blog back to life.  I knew I'd fall off track sooner or later with all the traveling and craziness that my life has been lately.  But it's all good, jumping back in.

So what's happened since October 5th?  Hmmm, I spent an amazing 2.5 weeks at the Sivananda Yoga Camp in Val Morin, Quebec.  I had an amazing 30th birthday celebration in the middle of Navaratri - the 9 night celebration of the Divine Mother.  I did a weekend long juice fast and I also met an amazing man :)  More on all this later...sorry - gotta lot of catching up to do.

I also did an amazing 3 day workshop with Chuck Spezzano of Psychology of Vision.  He came to Prince Rupert from Hawaii to facilitate his last First Nations workshop in the region, Embracing our Spiritual Destiny.  There were 135 people, mostly First Nations of course, our Steps to Leadership class, the Steps class from Vancouver and then whomever else.  It was such a powerful weekend.  I had a billet from the Vancouver Steps class and we hosted a dinner party at my place on the Saturday night then went out dancing - also lots of fun.  More on this later too...

Now I'm at RHIOT school!  What the heck is RHIOT school? The 75hr (in 6.5 days) Rigid Hull Inflatable Operator Training in Bamfield on the West Coast of Vancouver Island.  So, basically it's an extreme boat handling course for search and rescue personnel.  The RCMP, the Navy, the Marines and DFO also do their training here.

What can I say - wooo freaking hoo!  Wow, what an amazing, crazy, intense course.  Today is day 5 out of 7 and it's the longest day - we'll be out training for 18hrs in total today.  Yesterday was a 15hr day ending at midnight after our dead reckoning night run - which means we ran the boats at 25 knots, in the pitch black with no electronics, only using time, speed distance and our own pre-planned courses.  Pretty amazing.  I know it's how they used to run all the time back in the days before electronics, but they definatly weren't running at that speed!

The 2 course instructors are awesome and I'm in with a really good crew.  There are 6 of us in the course - 2 of us from Coast Guard Auxiliary, 2 from Coast Guard Fleet (Sir Wilfred Laurier) and 2 Fisheries Officers.  We're staying at McKay Bay Lodge in Bamfield.  So nice!  We each get our own big room, meals cooked for us everyday (the cook has been so good about my "special" diet - no meat, no eggs, no dairy), a nice fireplace, living room and HOT TUB.  Lots of good times to be had :)

Off to pop a wheelie!!!!
Missed you!  Love B