Monday, November 22, 2010


This Saturday I graduated from a year long Psychology of Vision program called Steps to Leadership.
This course is absolutely life changing and can catapult you to a whole new realm of consciousness, awareness and gratitude.

The Steps program was another one of those things that just seemed to magically show up in my life at the perfect time.  I was at a place on my spiritual journey where I was feeling stuck and needing guidance, spiritual community/connection and real, meaningful change - not just good ideas.  I wasn't necessarily drawn to the Steps program - I had heard about it and it had been recommended to me, but I was more drawn to the path of yoga.  But still, it presented itself in a way I couldn't ignore, so being a girl of big faith, off I went.

So over the course of a year, our group of 8 souls met 30 times to discuss, disect and investigate our minds at the conscious level, sub-conscious level and the unconscious level.  We covered topics like the psychology of emotions, relationships and family, the power of letting go, happiness, purpose and fulfillment.   We also attended 3 different weekend workshops throughout the year that were so unbelievably powerful.

I highly recommend this course to anyone - regardless of your beliefs, spirituality, religion, culture.  It's about "defragging" your mental computer - peeling back the layers of gunk that's been building up and veiling who we really are.  It's about showing up in your life, taking the reigns and making a difference on the planet.  If you live in Prince Rupert and you are interested in finding out more, there is an informational meeting this Thursday the 25th at 7:30pm at Cornerstones Wellness Centre.  Call ahead to let them know you're planning on attending 250-627-7255.  Send me a message if you have any questions.

Here's a great link from Psychology of Vision, the 3 card reading.  It's a quick online tool to help you see the truth, the way through and the gifts of any problems you may be experiencing.  Check it out.

Much love and light
xo Bhargavi