Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Gopi Salad & Philosopher's Brew

This afternoon my dogs and I ran up to the viewpoint on Mt Hays, I wanted to do some yoga on the platform overlooking the harbour again but a young couple came in shortly after I got there - I thought I'd let them enjoy the place to themselves since school starts up in just a couple weeks.   Last days of summer are bittersweet for young lovers.

It's now 3:30am and I'm at work enjoying what is now a cold cup of Philosopher's Brew (that's a yummy, herbal tea kinda brew- not a yummy beer kinda brew) waiting for my turn on the couch.  I'm wearing my Snuggie like a pair of fisherman pants because my legs are cold in shorts.  When I was first stepping into the arms I was laughing so hard - it sent me into a full on giggle fit!  So funny!  Ahh, the things you can get away with on night shifts.

Earlier in the evening I made a yummy salad that was my favorite dish at the Ashram I was at in May - Gopi Salad.  I make it everytime I miss the ashram and need a little reminder...baked tomatoes and sweet potatoes on spinach with coated, deep fried tofu.  Bliss. 
ps welcome to my first ever blog :)
OM Shanti - B