Sunday, August 22, 2010

Saskatoon berry jam

I made it back to Rupert late last night, I was going to stay all weekend but there were some complications with my friends boat and it didn't sound like we were going to be able to get out on the river after all.  Still managed to have a great time, despite being in Terrace for surgery.

Thursday was a lazy recovery day after the surgery, they ended up putting me right under when they were only supposed to do it with topical freezing which meant I couldn't drive myself out to the cabin as planned.  I ended up getting a friend to drive me out there and a friend of his drove my truck out for me.  Life savers!  These two are a couple of hilarious, old farts and I took them out for dinner the next night to thank them, turns out that it was the friend's birthday and he wasn't going to celebrate at all!  Thank goodness for divine intervention.

I spent Thursday reading, eating and sleeping down by the river.  My friend showed up late when I was watching a movie and stayed and snuggled with me overnight.  He offered me the cabin to stay in all weekend and showed me how to drive his quad.  Yes!

On Friday I passed 3 black bears on the road into town, took the dogs for a walk at Ferry Island then went back out to the cabin and took the quad for a rip down Whitebottom Road, an active logging road out in Old Remo.  Got up to 63km an hour - wooooo!  I passed lots of people fishing, one guy said I scared away a huge wolf when I came roaring up that had been watching him for about 20mins.  Lots of pink salmon in the Lakelse River right now.

Yesterday was the farmer's market and I loaded up!  Beets, zucchini, cucumber, squash, beans, tomatoes, lettuce, bok choy....yummy!  I'm going to be eating good this week.  Fishing for coho on the river didn't pan out like I mentioned so I spent the afternoon trout fishing on Kalum Lake with another friend - we got skunked but caught some rays and had fun canoeing around the lake.  After fishing and dinner went  for another rip on the quad before packing her up and heading home.