Sunday, September 26, 2010

Reality Check

Ok, so getting new skis this season is so not going to happen.  I just did a HUGE budget for the next 3.5 months because I was (finally) starting to worry about having enough money for all the upcoming fun and goodness: Montreal, RHIOT in Bamfield, Christmas with my family in Kamloops, and my trip to the Bahamas for the Advanced Yoga Teachers Training Course.  All I can say is that I'm glad I had a good hard look at this now and didn't wait even 1 more day. 

For the last 10 days I've been on a $20/day budget and I'm going to have to continue with that until the ATTC starts in January.  The $20/day doesn't include my mortgage or my bills and might sound like a lot for one day, but it takes $60 to fill up my truck, $40 to buy a bag of dog food, not to mention how much I can spend on a sushi date with the girls!  Haha, my lifestyle is definately going to change,  and I think it's a really good thing.

My new super tight budget fits in nicely with my need to purge/cleanse right now.   I feel the need to give away or reconstruct the clothes I don't wear, sort through all my outdoor gear, eat all the food in my cupboards and fridge, use all the toiletries that I've acculated over the years...simplify and purify.  I want less clutter and to be surrounded by only what I need.  My senses are overwhelmed at home, I have way too much of everything. I need to start using and being grateful for all that I do have instead of always chasing the bigger and better.

I'm going to use my new budget as the jumping off point for simplifying my life - ride my bikes more, walk more, cook more, commit to my yoga practice, pull out the sewing machine, get back into soapmaking...appreciate all the little things that make my life real juicy and sweet!  I'll be turning 30 in just a few weeks, so it's such a good time to take stock and set some good intentions for the upcoming year and decade!  Another one of those intentions will be to ski hard all season on the trusty ol' Jils and have my heart overflowing with gratitude at every turn :)

Om Shantih Bhargavi

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I want new skis!!!!

Rossignol S110W Freeski

I want new skis so bad this year! I can't stop drooling over the pair of Rossignol's I want and fantasizing about what a ripper skiier I'd be if I could just get my hands on them.  **sigh** It's such a dilemna though...I seriously can't afford them right now, I'm not even going to be skiing mid-December - mid-February because I'll be in the Bahamas and I'd also have to buy new skins and new bindings (more money!!). 

If I did have a moment of weakness and totally just splurged and got them (AND the bindings AND the skins of course) I probably wouldn't be able to afford to drive my broke ass to the mountain to ski on the dang things.  Bah!

But I've been so good! I've had the same skis for the past 3 season's!  I'm totally due for a new pair, right? My Jill's are practically a safety concern at this point.  The thought of skiing another season on them makes me want to cry.  I've out grown those rusty edged noodles and I wanna move up to some bad ass fatties!! FATTIES!

In Financial Frustration - B  ;) 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Falling from Heaven

Had a great day on Friday - got up nice and early and took the T-dogs for a bike ride along the waterfront before meeting up with some friends for a paddle.  We kayaked to The Man Who fell from Heaven in Venn Passage and then over to Digby Island to explore the old Doctor's house.  After kayaking I met up with another friend and we took our dogs for a 2hr walk around Morse Creek Pond, then it was home for quick shower before meeting even more friends for an awesome dinner at Prince Rupert's best restaurant, Cow Bay Cafe.  From there we kept the good times rolling... the Crest (where I managed to avoid dessert!), Lush for more drinks, the Belmont for dancing and finally Zorba's for post-bar mingling and snacking. 

I also managed to avoid the post-bar snacking! Yay!  However, I have to admit that that was unintentional.  I did have a bite of a veggie samosa, but I ended up wearing the rest of it when I tried to break up a fight between 2 girls.  I also managed to have my wallet and Iphone stolen during that whole shamozzle which was obviously a big upset for the rest of the weekend, I got so down and out about it.  Still managed to get out for a day of fishing on the bar on Saturday and lots of bike rides with the dogs though AND I got both my wallet and Iphone back from the police late Sunday night with everything still in it!  So lucky - thank you universe!

I have been on a serious losing streak lately!  I've been losing everything, it's been crazy.  I've lost my keys numerous times, lost two cameras - only got one back, lost my wallet & my phone, lost a pair of sunglasses today (didn't get those back either, but that was just because I didn't go back and look for them - lost them biking).  I've been so lucky to get mostly everything back, but I wonder what kind of a message this is for me.  If the world outside of me is me, where am I lost?

The Man Who Fell From Heaven
The Story goes...

A young man was exiled from the village of Metlakatla for a forgotten transgression.
Days later he returned to the village, mad with hunger and raved that he had
journeyed to the sky and observed many wonders and feats of magic.
He lamented that he could have remained forever but somehow fell and
plunged from the above back to the village.

The elders, while amused by the audacity of the young man's tale, were about to cast him
 out again when he offered, unexpectedly, proof of his unlikely exploits.

He escorted the bemused villagers to Robeson Point and there showed them
 the crater his body had made when he struck the shore.

He was not only allowed to return to the village but was given a position of honour as shaman.

xo B

Thursday, September 16, 2010

flowers in my basket

New Obsession?  Biking!  I've been biking everywhere - I love it!  I've always wanted to live in a rural little place where all the roads are packed dirt and I would ride my blue framed, 1 speed bike with it's brown leather seat everyday.  Every morning I would wake up,  drink a yummy tea, put on my big straw hat (to hide my unbrushed hair) and jump on my bike. I would steer with one hand and eat a piece of toast with jam with the other.  I would ride my bike out to my favorite wild flower field, lean my bike against an old wooden post, hop the fence, do some twirling then collapse amongst the flowers.  Then I would daydream the morning away and sometimes make up silly songs.  Then when my tummy starts rumbling and grumbling I would pick some pretty flowers and ride home with them in a wicker basket attached to my handlebars.  Except on Saturday mornings instead of going to the field, I would ride my blue bike to the farmer's market and my wicker basket would be overflowing with yummy vegetables and I would have one big baguette poking out the side.  Like in the movies.

Love and light - B

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

inherent power contained in sound

Everything in the universe vibrates on a specific frequency.  The same is true for the various Sanskrit Mantras.  A Mantra is mystical energy incased in sound constructed from the 50 letters of the language of the Gods: Sanskrit.  Each letter of the Sanskrit language vibrates on the same frequency as the nadis, or energy channels, within our subtle bodies.

The sacred syllables used in meditation by spiritual aspirants are usually the Sanskrit names of the Absolute.  By repeating the syllables with  intense devotion, the form of the Mantra's deity will be evoked.  For example mediation on OM Namah Sivaya produces the form of Siva, the destroyer of obstacles and OM Namo Narayanaya produces that of Vishnu, the preserver. 

"Mantra initiation is the spark that ignites the dormant spriritual energy residing in every human heart."        -Swami Vishnudevananda

In May I was initiated into a Mantra by Swami Swaroopananda in a special ceremony at the Sivananda Ashram.  Before the ceremony I chose my Mantra based on the aspect of the Divine that resonates with me the most - the vibrations of the Mantra and the disciples mind must be mutally compatible.  I chose the goddess Lakshmi the Hindu Goddess of wealth, prosperity  (both material and spiritual), light, wisdom, fortune, fertility, generosity and courage.

At the ceremony the guru arouses the Mantra's shakti, or power, in his consciousness and transmits it, along with his own energy, to the disciple.  If the disciple is receptive, they receive the radiant mass of energy in their own heart and is immeasurably reinforced and strengthened.  Guru, Mantra and disciple are bound together in Divine Power made manifest in consciousness.

If you're feeling inspired chant OM Namo Narayanaya for World Peace!
Love and Light - B

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

I just booked my flights back to the Bahamas for Advanced Yoga Teacher Training this winter!  I applied for leave with income averaging from work so I could have 7 weeks off with pay.  I'm going to spend a week with my family for Christmas and the rest of the time (about 50 days) camped out in my tent at the Ashram in the Bahamas. 

I'll be giving up 50 days of the ski season to do it - a big sacrifice for me, but my heart is leading me back, and so I go!  No questions asked.  (Just means I'll have to ski my face off when I get home or maybe even plan a ski vacay somewhere during our summer. You know, New Zealand's been on the brain...)

I arrive in the Bahamas December 29th, so I'll be there for New Years and have a week to settle in before the course starts on the 6th.  I'm really looking forward to enjoying Durga Das (David Newman) during On the Wings of Ectasy: Interfaith Devotional Singing and Dance Festival January 13-19th and  Krishna Das during the Yoga of Chant Retreat February 4-6th.  That's going to be such an awesome treat in itself!

After the course I'm staying for almost 2 weeks to let it all sink in, enjoy the sun, relax on the beach and I'll be doing an Introduciton to Ayurveda course Feb 8-10th.

It definately won't all be as blissful as it sounds though - the ATTC is going to be tough. Here's what the daily schedule looks like:

4.30 a.m.     Wake up
5.00 a.m.     Pranayama class
6.00 a.m.     Satsang (meditation, chanting and lecture) or silent walk
7.45 a.m.      Asana class
9.00 a.m.     Anatomy and physiology
10.00 a.m.   Brunch
11.00 a.m.    Karma Yoga
12 noon        Raja yoga or Sanskrit
2.00 p.m.     Main lecture (Vedanta, bhakti yoga, karma yoga)
4.00 p.m.     Advanced asana and pranayama class
6.00 p.m.     Dinner
8.00 p.m.     Satsang (meditation, chanting, and lecture) or special program
* Attendance at all activities is mandatory. Changes in the program may occur from time to time.
* Each Friday is a day off. Students are required to attend morning pranayama, morning and evening satsangs as well as to complete their one-hour of karma yoga. The rest of the day is free for their own personal study and activities.

Somewhere in there, I'll also have to find time to shower, brush my teeth, do homework  Haha, we'll see.  I can't wait for this trip - it's going to be amazing in so many awesome ways! 

Mega love, B

Monday, September 13, 2010

1 dog & 2 wolves

Ouch! So today I got to experience one of the dangers of trail running first hand when a dog ran out of the woods, back on to the trail and right into my ankles at mach speed.  I went totally horizontal before body sliding in on my face.  The couple responsible for the dog was walking like 5 dogs who were all over the trail and when I was jogging up to them and trying to dodge them and their dogs the girl says to me "Don't worry, they're all nice" then WHAM!  I ate it hard, my knee and ankle got a good tweaking and so did my wrist.  I know my wrist and ankle will be fine, but I'm a bit worried about my knee.

Today I spent $0 so I still have $49 bucks until Wednesday - should be a breeze now because I'm just working night shifts until then which means I work all night, sleep all day, take the dogs out and don't spend any money.  Perfect! Maybe tomorrow I'll even splurge on some groceries (some fresh fruit and produce would be nice) - another kick I'm on right now is to eat everything in my house before leaving in October.  Clean out the fridge, the freezer and the cupboards. That way I have a nice clean slate to come back to.

I wanted to share this great little story about the battle within from my friend Dale in my Steps to Leadership class:

Two Wolves - Cherokee Wisdom

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.

He said, "My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all.

One is Evil.  It is anger, envy, jealously, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good.  It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed".

May we always feed our goodness.  Om Shantih xo

fiddleheads, feathers and body butter

Time to fess up, I'm so addicted to feathers, leaves, ferns...especially peacock feathers and fiddlehead ferns right now! From jewellery to art to clothing...I want it adorned with these things.  I've been dreaming of a peacok feather tattoo that starts at my ankle and winds and wraps its way 1/2 way up my calf.  I'd like to get it done in Montreal when I'm there but realistically, that's not going to happen.  It would be expensive, time consuming and having a huge, healing scab on my leg would probably hinder my yoga practice at the Ashram. I don't want to rush the design either - it's got to be perfect if it's going to be permanent! I've been searching the internet for are a couple favorites so far.  Not sure if I want it done in colour or black yet...

So I'm on a super tight (for me) budget right now, I had to have a good look at my finances after this last trip and think ahead to the next couple of adventures I have planned; the 3 week Montreal trip in October and the 2 month trip this winter, a week with the family for Christmas and 7 weeks in the Bahamas at the Yoga Retreat for my Advance Teacher's Training course.  I haven't given myself a budget for a couple years now so this should be interesting - I'll keep you posted!  For the next 4 days my budget is $62 dollars for food + whatever else (not including bills).  I spent $13 today at I'm down to $49

The other funny little thing I'm doing is trying to use up everything in my house.  Not everything, everything but I'm trying to use up things like the 4 tubs of body butter I've acquired over the years, the 5 different types of shampoo, the 8 different shades of eyeshadow, the 20 types of dried beans, 15 different types of get the idea.  It's funny because I rarely wear make-up or lather myself in cream - but I'm on a mission now!  I feel guilty wasting stuff like that, I could never just throw it out but I don't want to be a hoarder either.   In fact a bunch of the body butter and shampoo I'm trying to burn through now is stuff I rescued from other people that they were going to throw out.  "It's perfectly fine, I'll save it!" 

Here's to saving the world 1 body butter at a time!  Ommmmmm

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Peach Fuzz

Back at 'er in Rupert!  I meant to keep my blog up while I was away but I'm terrible at staying connected - next trip I will try harder (and that's in less than 3 weeks, so we won't have to wait long to see how it goes!)

The past 2 weeks were spent driving throughout beautiful British Columbia with my 2 dogs and sleeping in the back of my truck, visiting my momma, and spending time with my best bud in San Francisco for the long weekend. 

Highlights of the trip included discovering a new found love for golf and golfing with a crazy awesome 70 yr old woman named Vivian who rocks around in a souped camper van, discovering that my mom and I are starting to develop alot of the same interests, enjoying an awesome dinner theatre at Teatro Zinzanni in San Fran (a must see if you go!), the Saturday morning Farmer's Market at the Ferry Terminal, a great night at the spa, strolling through an outdoor craft fair, jumping on a bungee trampoline (you get strapped into a harness so you can do flips and go extra high - mega fun) and finally, reconnecting with the boy I've been smitten with all year on the last leg of my journey :)

But unfornately it wasn't all super fun times, some lowlights included losing my camera on the ferry on the way to Victoria (I got it back in the end, but didn't have it for Frisco), my poor friends Grandad passed away just before we left for our trip so that kind of over-shadowed the whole adventure, my flight home was delayed and I got stuck in Calgary for 4 hours, and I caught my friends cold. Then on my way home I lost my keys just before getting off the ferry - all the vehicles ahead of me had their vehicles running and the first cars were unloading from my lane when I finally remembered I had a spare with me! (I found my other set later in a box of dogfood in the back of the truck, must've fallen out when I was playing with the dogs)  and finally, I got lost driving in Vancouver for 2hrs because I missed the exit leaving Tsawwassen and somehow ended up in downtown New West, I just kept getting more and more lost. Thank goodness for GPS on the Iphone!! 

Oh well - it's all the ups and down that make you remember the adventure!  Countdown's on until the next one - 3 weeks until Montreal.  6 days to explore Montreal and Quebec City and 17 days at the Sivananda Yoga Camp for Navaratri, my 30th birthday and a weekend juice cleanse.  Can't wait :)

Om Shantih

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Active Pass

Just on the ferry between Vancouver and Victoria, it's a beautiful day to be sitting on top of this life jacket chest on the upper deck. We just passed the other ferry in beautiful Active Pass where I always end up daydreaming about having my own cutesy little island home as we pass the secluded gulf island vacation homes high on the cliffs. I love how everyone outside on the decks wave to the other ferry as it passes.