Sunday, December 5, 2010

Good Luck, bad Luck, who knows?

Good Luck, Bad Luck

A father and his son owned a farm.
They did not have many animals, but they did own a horse. One day the horse ran away.
"How terrible, what bad luck," said the neighbours.
"Good luck, bad luck, who knows?" replied the farmer.

Several weeks later the horse returned, bringing with him four wild mares.
"What marvellous luck," said the neighbours.
"Good luck, bad luck, who knows?" replied the farmer.

The son began to learn to ride the wild horses, but one day he was thrown and broke his leg.
"What bad luck," said the neighbours.
"Good luck, bad luck, who knows?" replied the farmer.

The next week the army came to the village to take all the young men to war.
The farmer’s son was still disabled with his broken leg, so he was spared.
"Good luck, bad luck, who knows?"

This week has been a battle for me, I'm really wanting to feel my way through this bit of bumpy road instead of just stuffing it down and forgetting about it.  But it's not easy.  Repressing our difficult emotions seems like the simplest thing to do during times like these - but that pain doesn't disappear just because we ignore it.  Nope, in fact it just festers inside us until it starts seeping out into our lives in ways we often don't even recognize.  By the time it gets to that point we've forgotten that we had forgotten about what ever it was we had tried to stuff down.  We're left feeling confused and wondering when we became so sad or so whatever.   Best to just feel the feelings right away, just burn right through 'em - afterall, they're just our emotions and our emotions can't hurt us. It only seems like they can. When we surrender and feel our way through we can turn obstacles into opportunities.

This whole experience has been quite the awakening though.  It's pretty mind blowing when I think about how fast I got knocked off track. Just when I finally had gotten to a point in my life where I wasn't taking myself out anymore, the universe gets in there and gives me a shove!  What gives?  Whatever the reason, I know the way through is gratitude and I'm trying to see the perfection in even this experience.  The little story above has been a good reminder.
There is more happening within us and around us that meets the eye,
Love B

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Where do you go?

I am responsible for my emotional state.  No one else can make me feel anything.  No one can get inside my head or my heart and press my anger button, my sadness button, my guilt button.  I alone choose what my reaction will be to the situations that arise in my life.  I also know that situations don't just arise in my life at random.  I create my own reality.

I create my own reality.  This is an easy mindset to be in when life is going along 'great - pretty good'.
It gets to be a bit tougher when life is just going 'pretty good - not that great'.
Then there's the odd time when life gets to be 'not that great - really fucking terrible' and we have to wonder why the hell we would want it that way.  Why, if we create our own realities, would we create pain and suffering for ourselves?

I don't have the one answer to that question, I have a lot of ideas I could babble on about, but it's not really what I wanted to ramble about right now.  Besides it's a gigantic and complex question - it could be something we created on a conscious, subconscious, or unconscious level...or it could be some karmic debt from a past life.  I don't think we'll always get to know the "why."
Right now I'm more interested in the "now what?" what?  If we've created something in our lives that is "really fucking terrible" where do we go?  I don't mean literally where do we go - as in to the refrigerator or the liquor cabinet.  I mean which part of our minds will we identify with?  Our higher mind?  The part of us that can make the most of any situation, the part that will learn the lesson, the part that will accept our karmas?  Or our lower mind, the part of us that wants to keep us small and trapped, keep us as victims, keep us powerless?

Sure, for most day to day circumstances, it's no problem to stay connected with our higher minds.  But I'm talking about when it really counts, when the most terrible of terrible things happen:  Can we accept and take responsiblity that for some reason we created that terrible experience?

For the past couple of months I was the happiest I think I've ever been.  Truly happy.  Blissful even.  I was completey grounded, centered, living authentically and with integrity.  Life was just good, I was truly blessed - I thought nothing could knock me off my center, but also worried that something would.   When things get so good we have a tendency to worry about when they'll be bad again - that whole "what goes up..." thing I suppose.

Then it happened.  A painful experience that brought everything crashing down in a hurry.  I spent the first few days in sadness, guilt, fear and anger.   I was feeling sorry for myself and wanting others to feel sorry for me too.  Part of me is still there.

But I'm ready to take responsibility, to own this. To accept that I created this reality.  It's not an easy place to get to, but just like that I've taken my power back.  I feel a weight taken off my shoulders, I feel free and liberated.   If I am responsible for my emotional state and I create my own reality - I'm finished choosing pain and suffering.

I deserve better than that. We all do.

xo B

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Snow! And the icy mountain trail

Today was my first snowy day of the season!  So exciting!  I think it snowed once here already, but I was out of town at RHIOT. It's hopefully going to be a big snow year this winter because of El Nina and I'm praying it'll dump hard now so I can get some skiing in before taking off for 2 months.  I can't believe I'm already leaving again in less than a month.

I finally had to get real and abandon my dream for getting new skis this year, there's just no way I can afford them with Christmas, truck insurance renewal coming up, the trip and the Advanced Yoga Teacher's Training course.  I'll only get to ski for about a month and a half this season anyways so really it would be pretty ridiculous to get new sticks this year.  Basically I'm just praying for a miracle to be able to pay for my ATTC course right now - I just trust in the universe though, I've made my commitment to do it so it'll work out somehow. 

I just sent an email to the Ashram in the Bahamas asking if I could do Karma Yoga for the 2 weeks after the course in February.  That means I would get to stay at the Ashram for free if I volunteer for 5-8hrs a day. I hope they'll say yes, otherwise it's going to be another pricey bill that I really can't afford - and my ticket is already booked! Haha, just putting my faith into that one working out as well!  But Swami Ambika from Val Morin did send a recommendation to them for me saying I was a good little karma yogi and they apparently had agreed to let me stay on - fingers crossed!

Hiked up my favorite mountain again today.  The steep trail is getting pretty treacherous these days, the water runs down the trail and has now all frozen into a cascading waterfall of death.  We had fun picking our way up and down the mountain just beside the trail on the less icy bits.  Did have a couple of close-call super slips but managed to save myself from wiping out each time (barely!)  Thank goodness for all the yoga I've been doing otherwise I might of had some seriously pulled muscles from some of the contorted positions I found myself in!

Then it was home for hot soup, a hot shower and a short nap before work.  I took my camera with me on the hike but didn't take any pictures - sorry!

Have a lovely day,
Love B

Monday, November 22, 2010


This Saturday I graduated from a year long Psychology of Vision program called Steps to Leadership.
This course is absolutely life changing and can catapult you to a whole new realm of consciousness, awareness and gratitude.

The Steps program was another one of those things that just seemed to magically show up in my life at the perfect time.  I was at a place on my spiritual journey where I was feeling stuck and needing guidance, spiritual community/connection and real, meaningful change - not just good ideas.  I wasn't necessarily drawn to the Steps program - I had heard about it and it had been recommended to me, but I was more drawn to the path of yoga.  But still, it presented itself in a way I couldn't ignore, so being a girl of big faith, off I went.

So over the course of a year, our group of 8 souls met 30 times to discuss, disect and investigate our minds at the conscious level, sub-conscious level and the unconscious level.  We covered topics like the psychology of emotions, relationships and family, the power of letting go, happiness, purpose and fulfillment.   We also attended 3 different weekend workshops throughout the year that were so unbelievably powerful.

I highly recommend this course to anyone - regardless of your beliefs, spirituality, religion, culture.  It's about "defragging" your mental computer - peeling back the layers of gunk that's been building up and veiling who we really are.  It's about showing up in your life, taking the reigns and making a difference on the planet.  If you live in Prince Rupert and you are interested in finding out more, there is an informational meeting this Thursday the 25th at 7:30pm at Cornerstones Wellness Centre.  Call ahead to let them know you're planning on attending 250-627-7255.  Send me a message if you have any questions.

Here's a great link from Psychology of Vision, the 3 card reading.  It's a quick online tool to help you see the truth, the way through and the gifts of any problems you may be experiencing.  Check it out.

Much love and light
xo Bhargavi

Sunday, November 21, 2010

His RHIOT hat

Here's what I think is a cute little story of setting an intention and seeing it through.
It all started with this amazing man I used to date and a hat he used to wear.

On the last day of RHIOT school I bought a ball cap and a sweatshirt with the school's logo on it.  I just had to get one of those hats, but it took me about 20mins to remember the whole reason why I had to get one.

This story spans over about 7 years and like I mentioned it started with a man and his hat.  Said hat had an orange boat on it and said Rigid Hull Inflatable Operators Training, so I asked him what that was and he told me all about his RHIOT experience in Bamfield a few years ago, that the Coast Guard Auxiliary had sent him and that now he was a coxswain (pronounced cox - in).

In my head I'm thinking "Wow, this guy's so dreamy and amazing, what an awesome experience, he's so brilliant, I wish I could do something like that.....uhh, and what the heck is a coxswain?"  Actually, I don't think I did think that in my head after all, I think I thought it out loud.  But that's just how I roll.

So anyways, of course I had to get filled in on that one too; a coxswain is an advanced search and rescue crew member, certified to drive the fast response craft but more importantly, is responsible for the safety of the vessel, her crew, safely navigating to and from any incidents and a conducting a successful mission.

I decided right then that I was going to go to RHIOT school and earn myself one of those hats.

It might not sound like a big deal at this point - just sign up for course, and get the hat right?  Umm, no. This course was designed to train Canadian Coast Guard crew, Coast Guard Auxiliary crew and has in the past trained crew from the US Marines, US Navy, Navy Seals, etc.  It's like Top Gun school for Ferrari's of the ocean.

Another important piece of the story is where I was at in my life at this point in the story, I had just moved to the coast for the first time in my life and knew nothing about the ocean and I was managing a bingo hall.  So I had a ways to go if I really wanted to go to RHIOT school.

One of the first things I did when I moved to the coast was join the Coast Guard Auxiliary and I've been a member now for about 6 years.  It was through my involvement with the auxiliary that I received the training that helped me land my job with the Coast Guard.  In fact, I didn't even know the job I'm doing now existed until our auxiliary group toured the Seal Cove Coast Guard Base.

Now fast forward 5 years or so to 2010.  I'm still working for the Coast Guard as a Supervisor of Marine Communications and Traffic Services, I finished my advanced crew training with the auxiliary last winter, and I just got home from RHIOT school...with my hat.

So, the moral of the story?  Ask questions about things that intrigue you - you never know where your next inspiration will come from.  For me, this amazing journey started and ended with a ball cap.  Wow.

Here's to seeing things through,

Sunday, November 14, 2010

RHIOT school in Bamfield

CLEAR! zezeZIT! haha, that's the sound of the heart shocker thingy's bringing this blog back to life.  I knew I'd fall off track sooner or later with all the traveling and craziness that my life has been lately.  But it's all good, jumping back in.

So what's happened since October 5th?  Hmmm, I spent an amazing 2.5 weeks at the Sivananda Yoga Camp in Val Morin, Quebec.  I had an amazing 30th birthday celebration in the middle of Navaratri - the 9 night celebration of the Divine Mother.  I did a weekend long juice fast and I also met an amazing man :)  More on all this later...sorry - gotta lot of catching up to do.

I also did an amazing 3 day workshop with Chuck Spezzano of Psychology of Vision.  He came to Prince Rupert from Hawaii to facilitate his last First Nations workshop in the region, Embracing our Spiritual Destiny.  There were 135 people, mostly First Nations of course, our Steps to Leadership class, the Steps class from Vancouver and then whomever else.  It was such a powerful weekend.  I had a billet from the Vancouver Steps class and we hosted a dinner party at my place on the Saturday night then went out dancing - also lots of fun.  More on this later too...

Now I'm at RHIOT school!  What the heck is RHIOT school? The 75hr (in 6.5 days) Rigid Hull Inflatable Operator Training in Bamfield on the West Coast of Vancouver Island.  So, basically it's an extreme boat handling course for search and rescue personnel.  The RCMP, the Navy, the Marines and DFO also do their training here.

What can I say - wooo freaking hoo!  Wow, what an amazing, crazy, intense course.  Today is day 5 out of 7 and it's the longest day - we'll be out training for 18hrs in total today.  Yesterday was a 15hr day ending at midnight after our dead reckoning night run - which means we ran the boats at 25 knots, in the pitch black with no electronics, only using time, speed distance and our own pre-planned courses.  Pretty amazing.  I know it's how they used to run all the time back in the days before electronics, but they definatly weren't running at that speed!

The 2 course instructors are awesome and I'm in with a really good crew.  There are 6 of us in the course - 2 of us from Coast Guard Auxiliary, 2 from Coast Guard Fleet (Sir Wilfred Laurier) and 2 Fisheries Officers.  We're staying at McKay Bay Lodge in Bamfield.  So nice!  We each get our own big room, meals cooked for us everyday (the cook has been so good about my "special" diet - no meat, no eggs, no dairy), a nice fireplace, living room and HOT TUB.  Lots of good times to be had :)

Off to pop a wheelie!!!!
Missed you!  Love B

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

inspired in Montreal

Having such a great time in Montreal!  I love this city, it almost makes me wonder if I really am a small town girl at heart.  I really dislike Vancouver, but this city is so vibrant and alive.  It's a city I could live in for sure, there's so much going on all the time, lots of great classes to take, great food and it's the most bike friendly place in North America.  I'm loving the "real" fall days too - crisp mornings, sunny afternoons and lots of crunchy leaves to jump on.  I'll admit, It's got me questioning if Prince Rupert is really the place I want to settle down in.

I'm staying with my friend Kanti Devi in our friend Vishnu's house.  Vishnu is off on a RTW trip and is at an ashram in India right now and Kanti is staying in his apartment while he's away.  It's been such a blessing to stay here with her.  It's in an amazing location for one thing, right at the base of Mont Royal.  But the real treat is Kanti herself.  She's an amazing cook, musician, artist and yogini, totally devoted to her yoga practice.  She lives, breathes, eats, and sleeps it - nothing sways her.  It's so inspiring.  For me, my practice comes and goes in waves; I can be right on it for one week and right off it the next.  It's hard not having a yoga support system at home - yoga classes I can attend and yoga friends, but I'll leave here inspired to work on my self-discipline.

Highlights of the past 3 days:
Sunday:  hike up Mont Royal to enjoy the view of the city, Sunday Satsang and dinner at the Sivananda Centre, the Depreciation Guild at Casa del Popolo and the fun people I hung out with that night
Monday: 4hr bike tour which included all the sights, plus a delicious coffee and croissant in a beautiful hidden garden cafe and later stone-fired pizza and microbrewed Montreal beer at the Atwater Farmers Market, a yoga class at the centre en francais,  yummy homemade dinner with Kanti followed by guitar playing, singing and chanting
Today:  my first Moksha yoga class (a type of hot yoga-loved it!), shopping on Ste Catherine and in the underground city

That's all for now.  I wish I had pictures to add but I haven't been taking many and I also forgot my cord for transferring them onto my computer - sorry!

lots of love - Bhargavi

Friday, October 1, 2010

Busy Bee

The past week and a bit has blown right by! wawawowza! 

I worked 6 12hr dayshifts in a row, volunteered 2 of those nights at hockey games, went out for some night training on the rescue boat 4 of those nights and each night we were out until about midnight, and last night I went to my Steps to Leadership class for 3.5hrs.  Whew!  Thank goodness I have a nice restorative vacation coming up!  It's fun to be busy for a bit, but I was so grateful for a night shift tonight so I could sleep in, mow my lawn, clean my house and run some errands in town yesterday. 

The good thing about all this busy-ness is that I haven't had any time to spend money!  In 6 days I've spent $16.  That equals $104 of savings into the ski fund!!  Only have to save another $595 bucks and those sticks are mine!! That's only 30 days of not spending any money...totally doable.  Keepin' the dream alive!!!!

I've been planning all sorts of fun stuff for Montreal tonight, and I'm getting so excited.  I leave tomorrow morning, right after my last night shift.  Sunday is my first day there and I think I'm going to rent a bike and tour the city, head to the Sivananda Centre for drop-in yoga and Satsang, and then I'm going to check out some live music.  It's the last day of POP! a 4 day International Music Festival, tonnes of amazing bands playing at venues all over the city.  I bought tickets to see Film School, Depreciation Guild, and Receivers at Casa del Popolo.  Should be a good day :)

Stay tuned for lots of Montreal updates and have a smashing day! Shanti B

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Reality Check

Ok, so getting new skis this season is so not going to happen.  I just did a HUGE budget for the next 3.5 months because I was (finally) starting to worry about having enough money for all the upcoming fun and goodness: Montreal, RHIOT in Bamfield, Christmas with my family in Kamloops, and my trip to the Bahamas for the Advanced Yoga Teachers Training Course.  All I can say is that I'm glad I had a good hard look at this now and didn't wait even 1 more day. 

For the last 10 days I've been on a $20/day budget and I'm going to have to continue with that until the ATTC starts in January.  The $20/day doesn't include my mortgage or my bills and might sound like a lot for one day, but it takes $60 to fill up my truck, $40 to buy a bag of dog food, not to mention how much I can spend on a sushi date with the girls!  Haha, my lifestyle is definately going to change,  and I think it's a really good thing.

My new super tight budget fits in nicely with my need to purge/cleanse right now.   I feel the need to give away or reconstruct the clothes I don't wear, sort through all my outdoor gear, eat all the food in my cupboards and fridge, use all the toiletries that I've acculated over the years...simplify and purify.  I want less clutter and to be surrounded by only what I need.  My senses are overwhelmed at home, I have way too much of everything. I need to start using and being grateful for all that I do have instead of always chasing the bigger and better.

I'm going to use my new budget as the jumping off point for simplifying my life - ride my bikes more, walk more, cook more, commit to my yoga practice, pull out the sewing machine, get back into soapmaking...appreciate all the little things that make my life real juicy and sweet!  I'll be turning 30 in just a few weeks, so it's such a good time to take stock and set some good intentions for the upcoming year and decade!  Another one of those intentions will be to ski hard all season on the trusty ol' Jils and have my heart overflowing with gratitude at every turn :)

Om Shantih Bhargavi

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I want new skis!!!!

Rossignol S110W Freeski

I want new skis so bad this year! I can't stop drooling over the pair of Rossignol's I want and fantasizing about what a ripper skiier I'd be if I could just get my hands on them.  **sigh** It's such a dilemna though...I seriously can't afford them right now, I'm not even going to be skiing mid-December - mid-February because I'll be in the Bahamas and I'd also have to buy new skins and new bindings (more money!!). 

If I did have a moment of weakness and totally just splurged and got them (AND the bindings AND the skins of course) I probably wouldn't be able to afford to drive my broke ass to the mountain to ski on the dang things.  Bah!

But I've been so good! I've had the same skis for the past 3 season's!  I'm totally due for a new pair, right? My Jill's are practically a safety concern at this point.  The thought of skiing another season on them makes me want to cry.  I've out grown those rusty edged noodles and I wanna move up to some bad ass fatties!! FATTIES!

In Financial Frustration - B  ;) 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Falling from Heaven

Had a great day on Friday - got up nice and early and took the T-dogs for a bike ride along the waterfront before meeting up with some friends for a paddle.  We kayaked to The Man Who fell from Heaven in Venn Passage and then over to Digby Island to explore the old Doctor's house.  After kayaking I met up with another friend and we took our dogs for a 2hr walk around Morse Creek Pond, then it was home for quick shower before meeting even more friends for an awesome dinner at Prince Rupert's best restaurant, Cow Bay Cafe.  From there we kept the good times rolling... the Crest (where I managed to avoid dessert!), Lush for more drinks, the Belmont for dancing and finally Zorba's for post-bar mingling and snacking. 

I also managed to avoid the post-bar snacking! Yay!  However, I have to admit that that was unintentional.  I did have a bite of a veggie samosa, but I ended up wearing the rest of it when I tried to break up a fight between 2 girls.  I also managed to have my wallet and Iphone stolen during that whole shamozzle which was obviously a big upset for the rest of the weekend, I got so down and out about it.  Still managed to get out for a day of fishing on the bar on Saturday and lots of bike rides with the dogs though AND I got both my wallet and Iphone back from the police late Sunday night with everything still in it!  So lucky - thank you universe!

I have been on a serious losing streak lately!  I've been losing everything, it's been crazy.  I've lost my keys numerous times, lost two cameras - only got one back, lost my wallet & my phone, lost a pair of sunglasses today (didn't get those back either, but that was just because I didn't go back and look for them - lost them biking).  I've been so lucky to get mostly everything back, but I wonder what kind of a message this is for me.  If the world outside of me is me, where am I lost?

The Man Who Fell From Heaven
The Story goes...

A young man was exiled from the village of Metlakatla for a forgotten transgression.
Days later he returned to the village, mad with hunger and raved that he had
journeyed to the sky and observed many wonders and feats of magic.
He lamented that he could have remained forever but somehow fell and
plunged from the above back to the village.

The elders, while amused by the audacity of the young man's tale, were about to cast him
 out again when he offered, unexpectedly, proof of his unlikely exploits.

He escorted the bemused villagers to Robeson Point and there showed them
 the crater his body had made when he struck the shore.

He was not only allowed to return to the village but was given a position of honour as shaman.

xo B

Thursday, September 16, 2010

flowers in my basket

New Obsession?  Biking!  I've been biking everywhere - I love it!  I've always wanted to live in a rural little place where all the roads are packed dirt and I would ride my blue framed, 1 speed bike with it's brown leather seat everyday.  Every morning I would wake up,  drink a yummy tea, put on my big straw hat (to hide my unbrushed hair) and jump on my bike. I would steer with one hand and eat a piece of toast with jam with the other.  I would ride my bike out to my favorite wild flower field, lean my bike against an old wooden post, hop the fence, do some twirling then collapse amongst the flowers.  Then I would daydream the morning away and sometimes make up silly songs.  Then when my tummy starts rumbling and grumbling I would pick some pretty flowers and ride home with them in a wicker basket attached to my handlebars.  Except on Saturday mornings instead of going to the field, I would ride my blue bike to the farmer's market and my wicker basket would be overflowing with yummy vegetables and I would have one big baguette poking out the side.  Like in the movies.

Love and light - B

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

inherent power contained in sound

Everything in the universe vibrates on a specific frequency.  The same is true for the various Sanskrit Mantras.  A Mantra is mystical energy incased in sound constructed from the 50 letters of the language of the Gods: Sanskrit.  Each letter of the Sanskrit language vibrates on the same frequency as the nadis, or energy channels, within our subtle bodies.

The sacred syllables used in meditation by spiritual aspirants are usually the Sanskrit names of the Absolute.  By repeating the syllables with  intense devotion, the form of the Mantra's deity will be evoked.  For example mediation on OM Namah Sivaya produces the form of Siva, the destroyer of obstacles and OM Namo Narayanaya produces that of Vishnu, the preserver. 

"Mantra initiation is the spark that ignites the dormant spriritual energy residing in every human heart."        -Swami Vishnudevananda

In May I was initiated into a Mantra by Swami Swaroopananda in a special ceremony at the Sivananda Ashram.  Before the ceremony I chose my Mantra based on the aspect of the Divine that resonates with me the most - the vibrations of the Mantra and the disciples mind must be mutally compatible.  I chose the goddess Lakshmi the Hindu Goddess of wealth, prosperity  (both material and spiritual), light, wisdom, fortune, fertility, generosity and courage.

At the ceremony the guru arouses the Mantra's shakti, or power, in his consciousness and transmits it, along with his own energy, to the disciple.  If the disciple is receptive, they receive the radiant mass of energy in their own heart and is immeasurably reinforced and strengthened.  Guru, Mantra and disciple are bound together in Divine Power made manifest in consciousness.

If you're feeling inspired chant OM Namo Narayanaya for World Peace!
Love and Light - B

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

I just booked my flights back to the Bahamas for Advanced Yoga Teacher Training this winter!  I applied for leave with income averaging from work so I could have 7 weeks off with pay.  I'm going to spend a week with my family for Christmas and the rest of the time (about 50 days) camped out in my tent at the Ashram in the Bahamas. 

I'll be giving up 50 days of the ski season to do it - a big sacrifice for me, but my heart is leading me back, and so I go!  No questions asked.  (Just means I'll have to ski my face off when I get home or maybe even plan a ski vacay somewhere during our summer. You know, New Zealand's been on the brain...)

I arrive in the Bahamas December 29th, so I'll be there for New Years and have a week to settle in before the course starts on the 6th.  I'm really looking forward to enjoying Durga Das (David Newman) during On the Wings of Ectasy: Interfaith Devotional Singing and Dance Festival January 13-19th and  Krishna Das during the Yoga of Chant Retreat February 4-6th.  That's going to be such an awesome treat in itself!

After the course I'm staying for almost 2 weeks to let it all sink in, enjoy the sun, relax on the beach and I'll be doing an Introduciton to Ayurveda course Feb 8-10th.

It definately won't all be as blissful as it sounds though - the ATTC is going to be tough. Here's what the daily schedule looks like:

4.30 a.m.     Wake up
5.00 a.m.     Pranayama class
6.00 a.m.     Satsang (meditation, chanting and lecture) or silent walk
7.45 a.m.      Asana class
9.00 a.m.     Anatomy and physiology
10.00 a.m.   Brunch
11.00 a.m.    Karma Yoga
12 noon        Raja yoga or Sanskrit
2.00 p.m.     Main lecture (Vedanta, bhakti yoga, karma yoga)
4.00 p.m.     Advanced asana and pranayama class
6.00 p.m.     Dinner
8.00 p.m.     Satsang (meditation, chanting, and lecture) or special program
* Attendance at all activities is mandatory. Changes in the program may occur from time to time.
* Each Friday is a day off. Students are required to attend morning pranayama, morning and evening satsangs as well as to complete their one-hour of karma yoga. The rest of the day is free for their own personal study and activities.

Somewhere in there, I'll also have to find time to shower, brush my teeth, do homework  Haha, we'll see.  I can't wait for this trip - it's going to be amazing in so many awesome ways! 

Mega love, B

Monday, September 13, 2010

1 dog & 2 wolves

Ouch! So today I got to experience one of the dangers of trail running first hand when a dog ran out of the woods, back on to the trail and right into my ankles at mach speed.  I went totally horizontal before body sliding in on my face.  The couple responsible for the dog was walking like 5 dogs who were all over the trail and when I was jogging up to them and trying to dodge them and their dogs the girl says to me "Don't worry, they're all nice" then WHAM!  I ate it hard, my knee and ankle got a good tweaking and so did my wrist.  I know my wrist and ankle will be fine, but I'm a bit worried about my knee.

Today I spent $0 so I still have $49 bucks until Wednesday - should be a breeze now because I'm just working night shifts until then which means I work all night, sleep all day, take the dogs out and don't spend any money.  Perfect! Maybe tomorrow I'll even splurge on some groceries (some fresh fruit and produce would be nice) - another kick I'm on right now is to eat everything in my house before leaving in October.  Clean out the fridge, the freezer and the cupboards. That way I have a nice clean slate to come back to.

I wanted to share this great little story about the battle within from my friend Dale in my Steps to Leadership class:

Two Wolves - Cherokee Wisdom

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.

He said, "My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all.

One is Evil.  It is anger, envy, jealously, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good.  It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed".

May we always feed our goodness.  Om Shantih xo

fiddleheads, feathers and body butter

Time to fess up, I'm so addicted to feathers, leaves, ferns...especially peacock feathers and fiddlehead ferns right now! From jewellery to art to clothing...I want it adorned with these things.  I've been dreaming of a peacok feather tattoo that starts at my ankle and winds and wraps its way 1/2 way up my calf.  I'd like to get it done in Montreal when I'm there but realistically, that's not going to happen.  It would be expensive, time consuming and having a huge, healing scab on my leg would probably hinder my yoga practice at the Ashram. I don't want to rush the design either - it's got to be perfect if it's going to be permanent! I've been searching the internet for are a couple favorites so far.  Not sure if I want it done in colour or black yet...

So I'm on a super tight (for me) budget right now, I had to have a good look at my finances after this last trip and think ahead to the next couple of adventures I have planned; the 3 week Montreal trip in October and the 2 month trip this winter, a week with the family for Christmas and 7 weeks in the Bahamas at the Yoga Retreat for my Advance Teacher's Training course.  I haven't given myself a budget for a couple years now so this should be interesting - I'll keep you posted!  For the next 4 days my budget is $62 dollars for food + whatever else (not including bills).  I spent $13 today at I'm down to $49

The other funny little thing I'm doing is trying to use up everything in my house.  Not everything, everything but I'm trying to use up things like the 4 tubs of body butter I've acquired over the years, the 5 different types of shampoo, the 8 different shades of eyeshadow, the 20 types of dried beans, 15 different types of get the idea.  It's funny because I rarely wear make-up or lather myself in cream - but I'm on a mission now!  I feel guilty wasting stuff like that, I could never just throw it out but I don't want to be a hoarder either.   In fact a bunch of the body butter and shampoo I'm trying to burn through now is stuff I rescued from other people that they were going to throw out.  "It's perfectly fine, I'll save it!" 

Here's to saving the world 1 body butter at a time!  Ommmmmm

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Peach Fuzz

Back at 'er in Rupert!  I meant to keep my blog up while I was away but I'm terrible at staying connected - next trip I will try harder (and that's in less than 3 weeks, so we won't have to wait long to see how it goes!)

The past 2 weeks were spent driving throughout beautiful British Columbia with my 2 dogs and sleeping in the back of my truck, visiting my momma, and spending time with my best bud in San Francisco for the long weekend. 

Highlights of the trip included discovering a new found love for golf and golfing with a crazy awesome 70 yr old woman named Vivian who rocks around in a souped camper van, discovering that my mom and I are starting to develop alot of the same interests, enjoying an awesome dinner theatre at Teatro Zinzanni in San Fran (a must see if you go!), the Saturday morning Farmer's Market at the Ferry Terminal, a great night at the spa, strolling through an outdoor craft fair, jumping on a bungee trampoline (you get strapped into a harness so you can do flips and go extra high - mega fun) and finally, reconnecting with the boy I've been smitten with all year on the last leg of my journey :)

But unfornately it wasn't all super fun times, some lowlights included losing my camera on the ferry on the way to Victoria (I got it back in the end, but didn't have it for Frisco), my poor friends Grandad passed away just before we left for our trip so that kind of over-shadowed the whole adventure, my flight home was delayed and I got stuck in Calgary for 4 hours, and I caught my friends cold. Then on my way home I lost my keys just before getting off the ferry - all the vehicles ahead of me had their vehicles running and the first cars were unloading from my lane when I finally remembered I had a spare with me! (I found my other set later in a box of dogfood in the back of the truck, must've fallen out when I was playing with the dogs)  and finally, I got lost driving in Vancouver for 2hrs because I missed the exit leaving Tsawwassen and somehow ended up in downtown New West, I just kept getting more and more lost. Thank goodness for GPS on the Iphone!! 

Oh well - it's all the ups and down that make you remember the adventure!  Countdown's on until the next one - 3 weeks until Montreal.  6 days to explore Montreal and Quebec City and 17 days at the Sivananda Yoga Camp for Navaratri, my 30th birthday and a weekend juice cleanse.  Can't wait :)

Om Shantih

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Active Pass

Just on the ferry between Vancouver and Victoria, it's a beautiful day to be sitting on top of this life jacket chest on the upper deck. We just passed the other ferry in beautiful Active Pass where I always end up daydreaming about having my own cutesy little island home as we pass the secluded gulf island vacation homes high on the cliffs. I love how everyone outside on the decks wave to the other ferry as it passes.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Steelie Mediocrity

First of 3 night shifts tonight then it's road trip time!  Managed to sneak down to China Bar today for some fishing between shifts.  I met my friend and his 2 kidlets from Terrace there for most of the day.  We got a few bites but the only fish we brought in was a steelhead on my rod but we had to let it go.  It had the hook lodged right down deep in its throat, such a shame you can't keep them when they're just going to die anyways.

I've decided to postpone going to RHIOT school for now.  It didn't really work out with work and getting time off.  I know I could've made it work somehow but there's so much pre-work, studying and boating exercises that should be done first that I just don't have time to get done before leaving on my other trip on Saturday.  The whole thing was just way too rushed and I don't want to be worrying about it while on my other trip.  I'll go later this year and hopefully be able to make a trip out of it...maybe stay in Tofino for some winter surfing, head up to Mt Washington for some skiing or visit friends down in Victoria. 

I am way, way, way off my blissful track right now - that's why this blog is called backroads to bliss.  Bliss is the destination but this little chiquita seems to like to take the bumpy, much longer, adventure-filled backroads instead to bee-lining for the finish line. 

My yoga practice has been abandoned for over a week and a half, I haven't gone for a run in about the same amount of time and my eating habits have totally gone downhill...right now I'm on a huge bacon kick.  Every vegetarian eats bacon right?  Right?  Haha, oh well - I'll try to enjoy this yucky stage for now instead of beating myself up for the decisions I'm making, I just don't want to get stuck in a slump.  I just had surgery on my nose so I should be taking it a bit easier than normal anyways - doesn't give me an excuse for my poor diet choices, but it does make me wonder... why is that always so hard for me?  It's like I make it a crime to just be mediocre. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

Gonna be a RHIOT

I'm so excited! Got some awesome news today!!! I've been accepted for RHIOT school - rigid hull inflatable operators training.  The course is super intense,  it's 80hrs in 1 week learning to run super fast boats in the harshest weather conditions.  The school is located in Bamfield on the west coast of Vancouver Island and I got accepted into the September course which starts on the 14th!  Ahhhh, super scary and exciting at the same time.  I have to confirm with work tomorrow that I can have the time off and pass a seafarers medical and I'll be good to go!  Fingers crossed!

Check out this video from Daily Planet on YouTube to get an idea what I'm talking about:

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Saskatoon berry jam

I made it back to Rupert late last night, I was going to stay all weekend but there were some complications with my friends boat and it didn't sound like we were going to be able to get out on the river after all.  Still managed to have a great time, despite being in Terrace for surgery.

Thursday was a lazy recovery day after the surgery, they ended up putting me right under when they were only supposed to do it with topical freezing which meant I couldn't drive myself out to the cabin as planned.  I ended up getting a friend to drive me out there and a friend of his drove my truck out for me.  Life savers!  These two are a couple of hilarious, old farts and I took them out for dinner the next night to thank them, turns out that it was the friend's birthday and he wasn't going to celebrate at all!  Thank goodness for divine intervention.

I spent Thursday reading, eating and sleeping down by the river.  My friend showed up late when I was watching a movie and stayed and snuggled with me overnight.  He offered me the cabin to stay in all weekend and showed me how to drive his quad.  Yes!

On Friday I passed 3 black bears on the road into town, took the dogs for a walk at Ferry Island then went back out to the cabin and took the quad for a rip down Whitebottom Road, an active logging road out in Old Remo.  Got up to 63km an hour - wooooo!  I passed lots of people fishing, one guy said I scared away a huge wolf when I came roaring up that had been watching him for about 20mins.  Lots of pink salmon in the Lakelse River right now.

Yesterday was the farmer's market and I loaded up!  Beets, zucchini, cucumber, squash, beans, tomatoes, lettuce, bok choy....yummy!  I'm going to be eating good this week.  Fishing for coho on the river didn't pan out like I mentioned so I spent the afternoon trout fishing on Kalum Lake with another friend - we got skunked but caught some rays and had fun canoeing around the lake.  After fishing and dinner went  for another rip on the quad before packing her up and heading home.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A teeny tiny day

I've been trying to fall asleep for a couple of hours now but it's not easy. I've got a big day tomorrow but it's always hard to bounce back after night shifts. I crammed alot into my 11hr day though - worked for 3.5hrs, got fuel and groceries, went for a trail run with the dogs, and had dinner with a friend. I've got to get up again in 5hrs, pack up my truck with my recovery day stuff, fishing/camping gear and the dogs and make the 1 1/2hr drive to Terrace for my surgery at 8:30...yikes! Hope I get sleepy soon...

Tomorrow after my surgery I'm going to spend the day and night at my friends rustic little cabin on the river. I love that place, I'm so grateful he's offered it up again. He let me crash there over the winter when I went up to ski and I almost looked forward to spending my evenings there as much as the skiing. There's no running water or electricity, just oil lamps and a wood stove. Simplicity. Such a nice place to spend the day snoozing, journalling, and reading while recovering.

I'm hoping to do most of my healing up tomorrow so I can spend the rest of the weekend slaying coho and camping in the rain. My alarm clock is set for soon so it's time for me to get back to counting sheep.

Lots of love - B

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Gopi Salad & Philosopher's Brew

This afternoon my dogs and I ran up to the viewpoint on Mt Hays, I wanted to do some yoga on the platform overlooking the harbour again but a young couple came in shortly after I got there - I thought I'd let them enjoy the place to themselves since school starts up in just a couple weeks.   Last days of summer are bittersweet for young lovers.

It's now 3:30am and I'm at work enjoying what is now a cold cup of Philosopher's Brew (that's a yummy, herbal tea kinda brew- not a yummy beer kinda brew) waiting for my turn on the couch.  I'm wearing my Snuggie like a pair of fisherman pants because my legs are cold in shorts.  When I was first stepping into the arms I was laughing so hard - it sent me into a full on giggle fit!  So funny!  Ahh, the things you can get away with on night shifts.

Earlier in the evening I made a yummy salad that was my favorite dish at the Ashram I was at in May - Gopi Salad.  I make it everytime I miss the ashram and need a little reminder...baked tomatoes and sweet potatoes on spinach with coated, deep fried tofu.  Bliss. 
ps welcome to my first ever blog :)
OM Shanti - B